Three ways to cut through to what’s real
“I have been through some terrible things in my life, some of which actually happened.” Mark Twain I just love this quote. When I first heard it, I laughed so much because, as silly as it sounds, it is literally how we experience life. The mind is always...
5 crystals for meditation
I love crystals. I have always been fascinated with them and have acquired lots of them over the years, in various sizes and colours, and they are scattered all over my house, in my meditation room and in my garden. Some crystals have a noticeable effect on me, but...
Getting off autopilot
Do you ever go to do something and then when you get there you can’t remember what it was that you wanted to do? Or log onto your computer to send an email and then when you start to read your emails you find yourself responding to others and then after 30 minutes to...
How we see the world
The mind, constantly reframes what it sees to fit its perception of reality. The mind does this by focusing on the details, judging them, fitting them with past experience, anticipating how the future will be and then attaching meaning. The whole process is run and...
Meditation vs HeartMath
As a regular meditator and a HeartMath Certified Trainer and 1:1 Practitioner, I am often asked whether meditation and heart coherence essentially do the same thing to the mind and body and whether there are benefits from undertaking both practices. This is an interesting question….
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