10 ways to take the holiday season in your stride and set New Years resolutions that you can accomplish

We so often believe that the holiday season must be magical, with every year being better than the last, and yet for many of us this time of year can be a real struggle. There are many reasons why we feel this way and when you understand why, you have the capacity to take back control, especially when you can access simple yet effective tools and techniques to enable you to thrive and make choices that support you.

Do you:

Often feel overwhelmed with how much needs to be done over the holidays?

Spend too much with all the pressure to buy?

Regret the over-consumption of unnecessary gifts and food?

Feel sad with the shorter, darker days?

Struggle with family dynamics at get-togethers?

Wish the holiday season were simpler?

Feel particularly affected by loved ones passed at this time of year?

If you answered ‘yes’ to any of the above questions, you will NOT want to miss this free event!

By attending this free event you will:

Look at what makes us feel the way we do at this time of year

Understand the physiology of stress

Consider over-consumption and ways you can simplify the holidays

Better cope with family dynamics

Learn practical tools and strategies that will enable you to thrive

Create an action plan for 2018 that you can start straight away

Watch this FREE webinar if you want to find out how this year the holiday season can be different and how you can transition effortlessly into 2018 by setting clear and empowering resolutions that are easy to keep. Click here to access the video on my free YouTube channel.

This webinar is perfect for you if want to reduce stress, anxiety and overwhelm, if you do too much during the holiday season or if you want to make real changes in your life from 2018 onwards. Don’t miss out!

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