Welcome to Time Threading


Have you lost your joy and sparkle, struggling to remember the last time you felt at peace and happy?


Do you have unhelpful patterns that prevent you from taking action or being successful?


Do you have health challenges?


Do you have an ever-present feeling of anxiety, bubbling away just below the surface?


Are some of your relationships toxic or draining?

How I can help

I work with clients in different ways to enable them to create new futures for themselves.

Passive State Healing is a way you can be guided through alternate lives to release core lifetime experiences that are impacting you now. These karmic threads can result in unhelpful or destructive behaviours, difficult relationships, health issues, lack of success or direction in life and other issues.

Time Threading is a brand new way of working, enabling you to direct your consciousness forward, creating benevolent solutions to current problems and new futures. You project the future that you want and then, having created it, walk the path to it directly, as you move onto a new timeline.

Bodywork is a mix of CranioSacral Therapy and Energy Healing. It allows the body to release what it’s holding to let go of injuries and trauma and increase physical, emotional and energetic health.

"I am excited about the rest of my life!”

“Working with you has started me on a journey of self-discovery. Thank you Julia for opening the door and providing me with so many tools to move forward with. I am excited about the rest of my life.”

”I made a huge shift within myself after the very first session"

“What a wonderful transformative and empowering healing modality. Passive State Healing is the way to go for healing from this moment forth and for our future. What I loved about it so much is that it empowers the individual to heal themselves. Julia facilitated a space which allowed me in the safety of her warmth, wisdom, patience and kindness to go deep and help my mind to step out of the way and allow information to float in that I was then able to consciously use and acknowledge to free myself from past habits, patterns, programs, limitations, ancestral binds. I made a huge shift within myself after the very first session. I recommend this work very highly as the answer to what the world needs to heal, one individual at a time. Reclaiming my OWN power to shift deep issues forever was extremely empowering for me.”

”I gradually feel more positive and uplifted about the world"

“I would like to thank you for working with me. I gradually feel more positive and uplifted about the world and my confidence is growing day by day. What is especially good is that you have allowed my mind to focus and see positive thoughts and outcomes to situations, consequently making me more productive in my University Studies. The combination of techniques has made me feel confident about my abilities and has given me the will to live!”

”I wanted to personally thank you for this beautiful summit"

“I came to it with a feeling of desperation about the state of the world, and have left with a perspective of hope and joyfulness about the positive changes that we are manifesting and ways in which can participate.  I loved every single speaker and will be following up with some of them via books, websites and classes … Thanks for reconnecting me with my internal source of insight.  There was something inspiring about every speaker, and about YOU!”

”Thanks for making my life less stressful"

“I can really feel a difference after doing passive state healing with you. Before our sessions I used to find the small things really annoying, like when the toast drops butter side down onto the floor. Now, all those stupid annoyances are like water off a ducks back and don’t bother me at all. It’s really taken the anxiety and stress out of my life and I can’t thank you enough. I also now see colours really vividly and find it really easy to tune into my intuitiveness. I’m looking forward to working with you again.”

"I have come up with a plan of how to go forward in a way that supports ME!"

“I just want to say thank you again to Julia and the amazing group last week! Our intentions had such an effect on my heart chakra and left me feeling uplifted that I subsequently came up with a plan of how to go forward in a way that supports ME. There are truly no limits to what we can achieve with focused energy!”

'His symptoms have gone and he starts his day singing"

“Since Julia has worked with us I now have a different child at home. His depression symptoms are gone and he starts his day singing, always smiling, thinking positively. His life at school has changed too. Before the treatment, he wasn’t able to get a better test score than a D, even though he spent lots of time studying. After his first meeting with Julia he got his first A, and now he only gets A! His view of the future is good and his self-confidence has grown. I don’t hear from him now “I can’t, I’m not able, I won’t achieve anything …” Last Saturday he won a Silver medal in a Cross-Country competition for the first time as an individual. His trainer told me that he has made huge progress and has changed himself very much. Thank you so much!”

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“There are only two ways to live life. As though nothing is a miracle or as though everything is a miracle.”
– Albert Einstein



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