I am so excited to offer my Exam Success & Resilience Programme this year as a global, online course as the demand for participation grows.
Every year I see lots of teenagers and young adults who are struggling from the stress of exams. They feel overwhelmed with the volume of work, feel under pressure to do well (this can be from school, parents or simply from their own beliefs that they must be successful in the world and versus their peers). This can result in not sleeping well, feeling depressed/low, and they can be very reactive and have increasing anxiety about every little thing, and this can grow as they move from their GCSEs, to A Levels and then on to University (UK) or take end year exams and go to College (US), with the pressure increasing with each consecutive year.
Even those who seem to be coping well with revision and exam preparation will still be feeling physiological effects during this time as they work harder and more intensively, and this will have an impact on their resilience and ability to perform optimally.
The problem here is that feelings of stress, anxiety and overwhelm trigger the fight or flight response in us. When that happens, the cortex (the conscious part of the brain that we use to reason, learn and problem solve) is over-ridden by the subconscious mind (because the subconscious is a million times faster than the conscious mind). We then end up making our decisions from the part of the brain driven by our strong base emotions and this causes us to react rather than respond, because we may subconsciously be feeling unsafe and not in control. This lack of access to the cortex is also the reason why our minds go blank under pressure and why we always think of that smart come-back way after the event!
But the good news is that it doesn’t have to be like this. There is another way, where you can understand and manage your response to stress in the moment, feel confident and think and perform at your best. It’s what successful business leaders, sports people and even the Navy Seals do to enable cortical facilitation (full access to the conscious brain) and make the best decisions under pressure ….
My Exam Preparation Programme combines leading-edge brain and body techniques, such as:
- HeartMath® Resilience, Stress Management and Peak Performance training
- Brain Gym® and Psych-K® body and brain balances
- Three Principles Psychology – understanding Mind, Conscious and Thought
- Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) – neutralise strong emotional charges
Each of these techniques are powerful in their own right, but by incorporating elements from each, this dynamic programme gives you the capacity to control how you feel and respond, enabling you to get results but without physical and emotional cost.
Special offer: This programme delivered one-to-one usually costs £285 but I am offering this training for a limited time at only £95!
For this price you will be invited to attend 3 x 1 hour live, online webinars and each session will be recorded. Summary sheets for the techniques and the session recordings will be made available to you. During the programme you will be provided with:
- Techniques that will enable you to respond (rather than react) to overwhelm and anxiety in the moment, neutralising stress before it has a chance to build up
- Techniques that you can do on the day of your exam to remain calm and stop your mind going blank
- A plan for daily/weekly practice that you can do in the build up to your exams (and beyond) to be resilient
- Techniques to improve focus and embed learning so that you can retain more information as you revise
- An awareness of your thinking patterns and ways to deal with strong emotions
I am also offering an additional bonus for the first 10 people to book onto the programme. I will offer EITHER:
A FREE place for a parent to join the sessions (one parent per child). These techniques are used by business professionals, doctors, leaders, the Police and military to manage stress, improve performance and make the best decisions under pressure, so they are brilliant for parents too; OR
- A FREE 30 minute 1:1 session with me to discuss your personal situation and to go through any questions that you may have about the techniques and managing your situation
The course will run on the following days at 6pm London/1pm EST/10am PST:
- Sunday 18 March
- Sunday 25 March
- Sunday 1 April
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