Passive State Healing
Few people enter this world with a completely blank slate. We carry with us experiences from other lifetimes that make us who we are. However, some of these experiences can have a detrimental impact on us now, affecting our relationships, our health, our emotions and can stop us from reaching our goals and full potential.
These experiences are tied to us as karmic threads that weave through from the core lifetime to our current life. Passive State Healing enables you to remove these threads and, in doing so, facilitates the removal of unhelpful influences, patterns or people in this lifetime. You reclaim the energy and any parts of you that have been spent holding these patterns in place.
What benefits could you get from a session?
- Notice drama disappear from your life
- Feel more whole and energised
- Heal physical and emotional issues
- Improve relationships
- Let go of situations and people that don’t make you feel good
- Release addictive behaviours
- Understand more about who you really are
If you are holding yourself back in any way, have unhelpful patterns of behaviour, health or relationship issues, book in for a session at a time that suits you.
Passive State Healing is so called, because the practitioner is a passive facilitator of the process. This modality, created by Matthew Haines, was channelled together with guidance that positive, high vibrational, healing therapies must enable the client to remain in their sovereignty at all times and not hand over power or responsibility to the practitioner.
After undertaking around three sessions with a practitioner, you will have the opportunity to undertake an attunement to shift your energy fully into the High Vibrational Positive field, download the foundation course and do passive state healing for yourself, or sign up to attend the Practitioner workshop.
- A single session of Passive State Healing costs £88
- A course of three sessions costs £225
- The foundation material costs £34
“Growth is painful. Change is painful. But nothing is as painful as staying stuck where you don’t belong.”
– Unknown